A causa da FAMÍLIA NATURAL (M/F) acaba de registar uma grande vitória no REFERENDO CROATA realizado este domingo, 1 de Dezembro. Parabéns aos nossos amigos e aliados do «Family Center Zagreb»

cf. mensagem recebida de Zagreb:
Dear friends, On Dez.1st, 2013. in Croatia was held national referendum in which citizens had to answer question: Do You agree that in Croatian Constitution should be written that marrioage is between a woman and a man. By our Constitution result of referendum becomes automatically part of Constitution and can be changed in future only by a new referendum, not by parliament. Here are final results of referendum. From about 3.800.000 voters at yesterday referendum voted a 1.427.500 voters or 37.97 % of all voters. For us voted 946.000 people or 65.87 %. Against us voted 481.500 persons or 33.51 %. About same number of people 920.000 voted at last parliamentary elections for ( former communist ) coalition which now control our parliament. Similar number of voters elected present president of Croatia. All main media were biased regarding referendum. President of Croatia, prime minister and president of Cr.parliament were part of campaign against us but we won. President of referendum steering committee and front person of referendum iniciative dr Zeljka Markic ( 49 ) mother of four was constantly personaly attacked, false statement were attributed to her, supporters of referendum were in parliament by vice president of parliament called fasist and movement for referendum by another member of parkuament a dirty movement, so called NGO havily financed by state attacked her personally. Referendum movement was falsely presented by public TV etc. We were publicly supported by Catholic Church, Muslim community, Serbian Ortodox Church, one of two jewish organisation and all major protestant churches. Thank You for Your friendship, prayers and other help. If You have any questions I will gladly answer as much as I know. God bless Marijo Zivkovic