Friday, May 4, 2012
1:00 PM Press Conference:
all invited to attend (Portugal and USA presenting)
2:00 PM Greetings and Conversation (coffee and cookies provided)
3:00 PM Welcome: vision for summit, introductions, why Lisbon?
4:00 PM Presentation: Portuguese Referendum
Luis Botelho, Pro Referendo Vida (Portugal)
5:00 PM Presentation: Defending an Abortion-Free Society
Dr. Eoghan de Faoite, Youth Defence (Ireland)
6:00 PM Downtown Tour led by Portuguese Hosts
7:30 PM Dinner
Saturday, May 5, 2012
8:00-9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Presentation: Constitutional change and culture changing
Dr. Judith F. Szigeti, Alfa Association for the Protection of Life (Hungary)
9:45 AM Presentation: A Frog Not Yet Boiled: Igniting a Movement for Life
Dr. Daniela Păun, Darul Vieţii (“The Gift of Life") Association (Romania)
10:30 AM Presentation: Using Media for Life
John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews)
11:15 AM Presentation: Progress of State Initiatives
Vicente Segú, Incluyendo Mexico (Mexico)
12:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Presentation: Grassroots Activism for Legal Change
Keith Mason and Gualberto Garcia-Jones, Personhood USA (United States)
3:30 PM Presentation: Pro-vida Republica Dominicana
Joseph Salvatore (Dominican Republic)
4:15 PM Presentation: The Philippines: Preserving a Culture of Life
Stephen Phelan (Human Life International)
5:00 PM Open Discussion: Developing Strategies For Global Pro-Life Unity and Cooperation
7:30 PM Dinner (further informal discussion over dinner).
Sunday, May 6, 2012
7:00-9:00AM Breakfast
Church and Mass Options
Touring: Lunch in Gulbenkian Foundation and visit the Gulbenkian Art (optional). Trip to Fátima (optional)